Cde Never Maswerasei and Nick Mangwana

Cde Never Maswerasei has exposed the force behind ZANU PF’s keyboard warriors known as Varakashi.

He says what actually happened is that Nick Mangwana asked him to assist with propaganda because the party and government were under siege from the opposition which was dominating the narrative at the time.

“When the ideas were conceived, I suggested that they be given an office at ZANU PF HQ as a division under communications, bought gadgets, free wifi and be paid weekly.

“When I first shared it with Nick we were at Avani Hotel in Windhoek. That was early 2019,” he says adding that he was never paid a dime for it.

“I know varakashi brigade doesn’t know this but I am the one who came up with the idea of setting up a team of party and govt defenders with at least ten ghost accounts each.

“Even Nick Mangwana knows it because I first suggested the idea to him,” he adds.

Meanwhile, Varakashi is a group of social media warriors employed to defend ZANU PF and the government.
