Clothing and fashion concern, Edgars has recorded a fifty-five percent rise in sales volumes for the first half of 2022.

Apparently, the split between credit vs cash sales is 55.7 percent up (2021: 68.1%) & 44.3% (2021: 31.9%).

For its other section, Jet: sales volumes also went up by 28 percent.

Meanwhile, the group recently opened three new stores.

However, Edgars says currency instability and inflation were the greatest risks.

The country is facing a liquidity crisis compounded by the ever weakening local currency.

Edgars is a trendy, fashionable, and high end family brand, which provides unmatched convenience to middle and upper class Zimbabweans.

The clothing retail giant boasts of operations countrywide through its 25 stores.

The company says it is driven by passion for both fashion, lifestyle and a clear purpose to make lives better through our Corporate Social Investment Initiatives.
