Zanu-PF presidential candidate Emmerson Mnangagwa will not be travelling to Matabeleland North on 2 June to conduct rallies.

This comes after his party said he was not due to be in Matebeleland this coming weekend.

Many people were expecting him in the region after his party’s National Secretary for Administration Mr Obert Mpofu had announced the rallies:

“President Mnangagwa is coming to Matabeleland North on 2 June to hold a star rally. All districts in the province should start preparations for the rally. I know Umguza will not disappoint. You will come in your numbers as you have always done,” said Mpofu last weekend.

He went on to advise all party structures in the province to prepare for the rally.

However, the Zanu PF National Secretary for Information and Publicity, Ambassador Simon Khaya Moyo has made it clear that Mnangagwa will not be in Matebeleland this coming Saturday.

In a statement to reporters, Khaya-Moyo described the reports  as misplaced.