PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has fired the Minister of Health and Child Care Dr Obadiah Moyo who was recently arrested for alleged corruption.

The former minister was removed from office in terms of the country`s Constitution, according to a press statement released by the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Dr Misheck Sibanda last night.

“Please be advised that his excellence the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Cde Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has in terms of section 340, subsection (1) paragraph (F),as read together with section 104 ,subsection 1 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe removed Dr Obadiah Moyo from the office of Cabinet Minister with immediate effect for conduct inappropriate for a Government Minister,” read the statement.

The former minister was arrested last month by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) over his alleged involvement in NatPharm’s unprocedural contract with Drax International LLC to supply medicines and surgical sundries.

He spent a night at Rhodesville Police Station in Harare before appearing in court the following day.

Dr Moyo was released on $50 000 bail when he appeared before Harare magistrate Munamato Mutevedzi. He was remanded to July 31.

His arrest followed the arrest of three NatPharm bosses on charges of criminal abuse of office for approving the deal with Drax, now known as Drax Consult SAGL after a name change, without following laid down procurement procedures.

Drax representative Delish Nguwaya has since been charged in court over the deal, which has already been cancelled on the orders of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.

President Mnangagwa has said under the Second Republic there is zero tolerance to corruption.

state media