THE Chiadzwa armed robbery case in which a police Support Unit constable lost his AK47 service rifle at gun- point was orchestrated by youthful suspects – aged 17 and 23 years – who went on to hide the weapon in the mountains.

Nomore Nyamupenza (23) of 214 Mazhambe, Sakubva, Mutare; and Phillip Mamutse (17) of Nyoka Village under Chief Makoni, Rusape, were on Monday arrested by detectives following a tip-off.

Upon their arrest the duo implicated a 38-year-old alleged accomplice – Lovemore Zvarevashe of Chiadzwa Village – who was subsequently nabbed and jointly charged for contravening Section 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act ) Chapter 9:23.

Soon after the robbery, a high-powered team of detectives was deployed to the diamond fields to track down the robbers and recover the rifle, which was loaded with 30 rounds of ammunition.

Although Manicaland police spokesman Inspector Tavhiringwa Kakohwa was not available for comment, police sources revealed that the detectives received a tip-off from Mamutse that Nyamupenza had hidden the rifle in Tonhorai Mountain.

“Mamutse led the detectives to the mountain where the AK47 rifle and a baton were recovered. The firearm was in a good state and the magazine was fully loaded,” said the source. On September 11 the detectives tracked Nyamupenza who was subsequently arrested. He admitted to have stolen the firearm and he implicated Mamutse and Zvarevashe.

The suspects were taken to the scene of the crime where they made some indications on how they executed the robbery but Zvarevashe did not make indications as he denied involvement.