There was drama at the Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo International Airport in Bulawayo after a woman believed to be a Zanu-PF supporter tried to hand President Emmerson Mnangagwa a note as he arrived in the city.

Mnangagwa jetted in Bulawayo on Thursday evening to preside over the National University of Science and Technology graduation ceremony on Friday.

On the same day, Mnangagwa will also commission an innovation hub at the institution and Zupco buses.

After landing at the airport, Mnangagwa, as per tradition, briefly interacted with party supporters who had come to welcome him.

It was at that moment that a heavily built woman handed a note to Mnangagwa which was quickly taken away by one of his security aides.

Mnangagwa continued with the interaction before he was whisked away to the Bulawayo State House where he will put up for the night.

The woman was swooped by dozens of security agents who, by the time Mnangagwa left, had formed a circle around her.

The contents of the note could not be established at the time of going to print.

Security around Mnangagwa was heightened after a bombing incident at White City Stadium in 2018 which left senior Zanu-PF members including Vice President Kembo Mohadi and chairperson Oppah Muchinguri injured.

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