A Harare woman has approached the Harare Civil Court seeking to be granted an order compelling her uncle to return her husband.

Joyce Mutetwa told the court her husband’s uncle, Edward Penengera, was refusing to bring back her husband.

Magistrate Tamara Chibindi told her that there is no way she can grant a protection order on behalf of a grown-up man and advised her to engage her husband’s family properly.

‘‘Why don’t you talk to your husband so that he comes back home because a normal person who loves his family will definitely come back.

‘‘So, you want me to order your uncle to release your husband? I can’t, if he doesn’t want to come back home, he doesn’t. I am sure he is a grown-up man, he can make decisions. ‘‘Go and engage or convince his family to release your husband; maybe it’s a way to break up with you, who knows,’’ said magistrate Chibindi.

Joyce told the court that she was applying for a protection order on behalf of her husband, who she claimed is disabled and she was sent by him to do that.

‘‘My uncle took my husband to his house havachade kuti adzoke, and he is disabled. He can’t walk alone and I can’t go there to take him back home because his uncle is very violent,’’ said Joyce.a