The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has urged parents and guardians not to leave their girl children with male relatives or neighbours.

The ZRP’s warning follows the arrest of Kwaramasi Kwaramasi (38) on 07 May 2021, in connection with five cases of rape involving minors in Bindura.

The police says the suspect would pretend to be lost and ask victims to accompany him and then rape them in secluded bushes.

Police says all rape cases must be reported promptly at any nearest police station.

Police urges members of the public to be wary of boarding unmarked vehicles, mushikashika vehicles or private vehicles.

ZRP says on 06 May 2021 at about 2230, a Harare man (25) boarded an unmarked silver Honda Fit with two occupants along Samora Machel Ave destined for Dzivarasekwa and was later robbed property worth US$ 1 910.

Police also said on 06 May 2021 at about 20:04 hours, a Chitungwiza man (34), boarded an unmarked silver Nissan Caravan vehicle at Mbudzi Roundabout destined for home and was robbed property valued at US$292.
