Dinson Iron & Steel Company Zimbabwe (DISCO) has started Pig Iron production at Manhize.

The company took it to social media to announce the development:

“Exciting News! On the afternoon of June 12, 2024, DISCOSTEEL’s blast furnace successfully began pig iron production!”

DISCO, a subsidiary of Tsingshan Holding Group, has launched its integrated steel plant in Manhize near Mvuma.

Equipped with a carbon steel plant and an iron ore mine, DISCO is set to produce tons of iron and steel products annually.

Locally, the group’s other subsidiaries are Afrochine Smelting in Selous, Mashonaland West province; and Dinson Colliery in Hwange, Matabeleland North province.

Following the closure of Zimbabwe Iron and Steel Company, once the largest integrated steelworks north of Limpopo, at the height of the hyperinflation era in 2008, Zimbabwe has largely been spending millions of dollars importing steel.

At its peak in the late 1990s, Zisco produced over one million tonnes of steel annually, employing more than 5 000 people directly.
