A MAN, who hired a sex worker in Gweru but woke up, in the early hours of the next day, sleeping close to a grave, might have been with a GHOST, according to those who are trying to help him recover from his nightmare.

Naison Batia, (34), woke up on Friday to find that he was sleeping at a cemetery in Mkoba 9 and his car was parked besides a grave.

The car was later towed by Gweru City Council officials from the cemetery in Mkoba 9.

Sources told H-Metro that Naison hooked up with a sex worker at a bar in Gweru on Friday night.

The sex worker, according to the sources, said her name was Rhoda.

After agreeing terms, where the two would spend the night together, they went to her home.

He woke up around 2am and saw his car parked besides a grave.

The sources say Naison is still traumatised by the incident and is now in need of help.

“The man is still confused because what he went through has never happened.

“It’s not easy to hook up with a ‘woman’ and later on find out that she might have been a ghost.


“Madzibaba Mateo, who was at the scene, engaged the man and he is now about to cleanse him.”

Contacted for comment, Madzibaba Mateo told H-Metro, he wants to help the man but they need to consult the relatives of the deceased person whose grave is where Naison’s car was parked.

“I was at the scene on the day in question and the man is still traumatised.

“We talked to him and he is still not stable after the incident.

“I am based in Gweru and I want to assist him to deal with this issue.

“He needs some help because it’s not easy to come across such a situation.”

Madzibaba Mateo added:

“His car was towed from the grave, so tiri kuda kutsvaga hama dzacho, then tozoenda paguva racho.

“Nyaya yake iri kuda chivanhu so that tikwanise kufumura chipoko ichi.

“Mweya wemushakabvu uri kufanira kuzorora, from what I have gathered, so we need to engage vanhu vese vari necessary.

“Zvinhu zvakadai zvinowanika nekuti munhu anenge akafa ari pfambi.”
