In light of the ussual vilification and venom perennially spewed on President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his Government by various critics, two Kwekwe-based dancehall artists are on the verge of releasing a tribute song in honour of the 78-year old Zimbabwe leader.

22-year old Super Kadoko (real name Tinotenda Enock) has been working in the studio with Skuppah Yute (born Shepherd Jackson, 24) where they are putting final touches to their new song, Isu SeVana VeMusangano, in which they shower Mnangagwa and the ruling Zanu PF with praises while lambasting the Western nations for imposing economic sanctions on the landlocked southern African country.

The pro-Mnangagwa single track is set to be officially released early next month at Real Shoes Studios in Kwekwe.

“We are just putting some final touches to the song,” Super Kadoko told Zwnews yesterday.

“Isu SeVana VeMusangano is actually a call upon all patriotic Zimbabweans to not only love their country but also support the President in his Vision 2030. Baba Mnangagwa has done a lot for us the youths despite the economic sanctions imposed on our country by the West,” he said.
Kwekwe is also home to the Zimbabwe septuagenarian.
