Members of the Central Intelligence Organisation and Zimbabwe Republic Police have blocked Transform Zimbabwe leader Jacob Ngarivhume from conducting a clean up in Mbare saying people might gather and watch him, thereby spreading Covid 19.

Ngarivhume had hired trucks to remove garbage at Matapi in Mbare, but he was blocked from doing it.

“Police, CIO and Mbare Zanu Pf district youth had gathered to stop the clean up campaign.

“They threatened to stone the vehicles we had hired and then arrest us,” he said.

He added:

“One of their bizarre concerns is that if we remove the garbage we will spread Covid because people will gather to watch.

“We will come back and do it again soon. We refuse to be intimidated.”

Ngarivhume went on: “As I was discussing with them at Matapi some of the police officers and CIO working with one Zanu Pf secretary for health in Mbare dismissed the service providers.

“Chatunga insisted that as a point of procedure we should apply for permission to remove the rubbish from the police.”
