One of the intriguing twists in the case of ZANU PF spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa’s son Neville is him being represented by disqualified Presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere’s spokesperson Jacqueline Sande.

Theoretically speaking, Neville & his parents are free to choose a legal representative of their choice, notes Brighton Mutebuka.

He says realistically speaking though, given the post from ZANU PF Patriots on Friday if he is not mistaken, the fact that barred Presidential Candidate Kasukuwere’s official spokesperson & Attorney in the August 2023 sham elections, the regime will likely politicise that decision & take a dim view of it.

Mutebuka says ss ZANU PF is not renowned for objectivity & rationality in such situations given it’s tendency to be paranoid, that decision is likely to have privately caused eye brows to be raised & perceived of in conspiratorial terms, thereby potentially reducing the chances of bail being granted to Neville.

“In fact, it’s likely to have played very badly and hardened attitudes towards Chris. This is because, despite the passage of time, ED & his regime have appeared to struggle to deal with the ghost of G40.

“We all saw how over the top the regime’s reaction to Tyson’s candidacy was. As the regime is dismissive of technical matters such as the Attorney-Client Privilege, it’s reading will be that, by putting their son’s fate in “Kasukuwere’s Lawyer”, Chris & Monica have turned their backs on the regime & burned their bridges.

“The regime will speculate that this saga will draw Chris and Tyson closer together politically and for this, it’s more likely than not that this will be taken out on Neville via a long & drawn out remand process, repeated bail denials and being singled out by ma “Jerri Gadhi” or Prison officials for harsher treatment,” he adds.

In conclusion, Mutebuka says a combination of Chris’s outburst / tirade directed at Chiwenga over the weekend which made headline news and choosing Sande to represent Neville means that it’s now more likely than not that estrangement will deepen and Chris will be cast aside in the vast political wilderness and left at the mercy of apex political predators.

“ED is clearly playing the long game. He would have calculated that Chris is expendable in the pursuit of the bigger prize. Chris’s tirade creates additional pressure for ED to put even more clear water between him & Chris, so as to placate a likely restive Chiwenga and prove that he does not share Chris’s reckless & provocative sentiments,” he says.

Read Mutebuka’s full analysis of the situation below:

Mutsvangwa’s Bail Denial Is Likely To Be Further Confirmation Of Escalation Of The Feud!

a. The most likely outcome has been confirmed, namely that Neville Mutsvangwa has been denied bail & returned to Reeds.

b. Raised in a life of privilege, comfort & opulence, it is clear that he is going to find the whole experience traumatic.

c. Such children tend to struggle to adapt in such situations, owing to difficulties with coping with stressful situations.

d. Mental & emotional resilience is likely to be threadbare. This is something his parents would also be aware of – thereby condemning the whole family to weeks of anguish, misery & intense pain.

e. The established precedence in the Zim legal system is that Magistrates tend to be more likely to embrace gatekeeping tendencies as they are more amenable to being dictated to – although the long running Sikhala & Tshabangu sagas suggests that the malaise has now spread to the High & Supreme Courts as well.

f. The expectation is now that Neville’s representatives will submit an appeal against the decision to deny him bail at the High Court.

g. Given that Neville is a Politically Exposed Person & given the political intricacies in the case, it’s rank naivety to think that the case will be looked at free from political interference.

h. One of the twists in the case is that Neville is being represented by my colleague
. Theoretically speaking, Neville & his parents are free to choose a legal representative of their choice.

i. Realistically speaking though, given the post we saw from
on Friday if I am not mistaken, the fact that my colleague was barred Presidential Candidate
‘s official spokesperson & Attorney in the August 2023 sham elections, the regime will likely politicise that decision & take a dim view of it.

j. As ZANU PF is not renowned for objectivity & rationality in such situations given it’s tendency to be paranoid, that decision is likely to have privately caused eye brows to be raised & perceived of in conspiratorial terms, thereby potentially reducing the chances of bail being granted.

k. In fact, it’s likely to have played very badly and hardened attitudes towards Chris. This is because, despite the passage of time, ED & his regime have appeared to struggle to deal with the ghost of G40.

l. We all saw how over the top the regime’s reaction to Tyson’s candidacy was. As the regime is dismissive of technical matters such as the Attorney-Client Privilege, it’s reading will be that, by putting their son’s fate in “Kasukuwere’s Lawyer”, Chris & Monica have turned their backs on the regime & burned their bridges.

m. The regime will speculate that this saga will draw Chris and Tyson closer together politically and for this, it’s more likely than not that this will be taken out on Neville via a long & drawn out remand process, repeated bail denials and being singled out by ma “Jerri Gadhi” or Prison officials for harsher treatment.

A combination of Chris’s outburst / tirade directed at Chiwenga over the weekend which made headline news and choosing Sande to represent Neville means that it’s now more likely than not that estrangement will deepen and Chris will be cast aside in the vast political wilderness and left at the mercy of apex political predators.

ED is clearly playing the long game. He would have calculated that Chris is expendable in the pursuit of the bigger prize. Chris’s tirade creates additional pressure for ED to put even more clear water between him & Chris, so as to placate a likely restive Chiwenga and prove that he does not share Chris’s reckless & provocative sentiments.