Dr Walter Mzembi who was late former President Robert Gabriel Mugabe’s last Minister of Foreign Affairs says Vice President Constantino Chiwenga has never been power hungry, and he says in fact Chiwenga refused the post of President during the 2017 coup.

This is despite Chiwenga leading the coup that toppled Mugabe, in fact, Mzembi says the former army general didn’t want Mugabe to.

This information is contained in Mzembi’s 2020 threads on X which have resurfaced as the ZANU PF conference kicks off.

The conference comes at the time there commotion in the ruling party over succession.

President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is expected to step down at the end of his term in 2028, and Chiwenga is next in line.

However, Mnangagwa is said to be trying to use his dirty tricks to remain in power beyond his constitutional term limit.

The then Foreign Affairs Minister, wrote:

I don’t beleive Chiwenga wanted Mugabe out per se, was deceived by the cunning Serpent to a point of no return. Observing his mannerisms as VP & aloofness from current mess I see a man with more Q than As, more regrets dragging Army into this failure.

Dr Walter Mzembi
@waltermzembi Jul 25, 2020. I was involved in bringing up two Security Ministers from RSA as Foreign Affairs Minister, the minutes of their meeting and the demands from then CDF Chiwenga do not reflect a burning desire to see Mugabe go. It was Mugabe himself who underplayed the crisis and the Mins flew bk.

Walter Mzembi
@waltermzembi Jul 25, 2020. Hours later he asked if they could come back again, the situation had reached another level, but I read him the minutes of what he had said to the RSA Ministers on the phone, & we agreed to escalate issue to SADC Troika, I worked very hard with

Walter Mzembi
@waltermzembi Jul 25, 2020, @DrTaxs and Foreign Ministers in the Region were keen on an amicable compromise which we tabled after RG had capitulated to Impeachment threats. It would have healed the Country and taken it on a completely different thrust from where we are headed.

Dr Walter Mzembi
@waltermzembi Jul 25, 2020 RG contacted @edmnangagwa in good faith asked him to come back with SADC guarantees, but Crockie had already smelt blood and the lure of office , he refused , actually wrote a refusal letter. Mugabe phoned me ” Aramba toitasei? Do we appoint another VP.

What did he say I asked RG?” Ati munoda kundisungirira nekatambo muhuro “We explored names for VP, and Chiwenga and Bonyongwe’s names came up, we settled for Chiwenga but again according to RG he refused even the President slot, when RG offered.

So this is the basis of my assertion that there are more Qs than As in the mind of the General. He preferred” kuti Shumba vapinde,” how magnanimous but the Country has paid the ultimate price of misgovernace! Ndapedza, Blessed Weekend, its Sabbath Time.