ZIMBABWE Vice President Constantino Chiwenga’s estranged wife Marry Mubaiwa Chiwenga has said the VP has abandoned their children and is now living with concubines at the Chinese Kingsmead place in Borrowdale Harare.

She wrote:

I want to tell my story of the abuse i am suffering @ the hands of my husband who is using State Machinery and the Judiciary to fight to fight me.i have been quiet for too long,i will tell my story to whoever cares to listen. A victim of imprisonment.

Eish, gone with the wind…the honorable step was taken VP, my husband, the one i am married too forcibly took my children from me… the hurtful part is the that he is not living with my children, he is here shaking up with concubines at Chinese Kingsmead place in Borrowdale.

My office wall in Highlands was brokendown yesterday, no amount of intimidation will stop me from fighting for my children and properties. my equipment in Domboshava is being looted by armed military personell..

Marry Chiwenga Mubaiwa