In a recent incident in Mabelreign, a 23-year-old woman from Chitungwiza fell victim to a robbery orchestrated by a man she had initially intended to spend the night with. Abigail Khumalo, residing in Unit L, Seke, encountered the unidentified robber in Harare’s central business district around 10 pm last Thursday.

The man, whose name remains unknown to Abigail, proposed spending the night together, to which she agreed. Subsequently, he persuaded her to accompany him to his presumed residence in Mabelreign. The duo boarded a kombi to Westgate and disembarked at the Westgate roundabout.

As they headed northward toward the man’s purported house, they reached a secluded spot where he abruptly seized her from behind, choking her. Brandishing a knife, he forcibly took her belongings and clothes, leaving her unclothed. A Good Samaritan passing by intervened, assisting Abigail and escorting her to the Avondale Police Station to file a report against her assailant, the unidentified “new lover.”

Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, the spokesperson for the Harare provincial police, confirmed the ongoing investigation into the case. Authorities are urging the public to come forward with any information that could aid in identifying the robber who vanished into the darkness after the incident.