Former police commissioner-general Augustine Chihuri is being hounded left, right and centre since Operation Restore Legacy which ushered Emmerson Mnangagwa’s presidency.

His ex-subordinates claimed in Parliament recently that they were failing to locate him to enable him to appear before the portfolio committee on Mines and Energy which is investigating the looting of diamonds in Marange.

An impression has therefore been created that Chihuri could be in hiding amid reports that he may be holed up at his in-laws’ residence in Malawi, and may not be feeling well.

Along with his wife, Isabel, Chihuri is also facing arrest after businessman Bigboy Pachirera reported them to Malborough Police Station, accusing them of theft and abuse of office, alleging they impounded five of his cars and fraudulently changed their ownership.

It is also being alleged that the police, acting on Chihuri’s instructions, seized gems belonging to a private company, and these were not accounted for.

And this week, two police officers facing theft charges sensationally claimed in court papers that Chihuri looted substantial amounts of money while still serving as the top cop.

Chihuri must know better that the long arm of the law will eventually catch up with those who break the law.

If he has nothing to hide, Chihuri must come forward and clear his name.

Daily News