An X posting believed to be that of late former President Robert Mugabe’s son Chatunga has triggered a heated debate for supporting the narrative that King Lobengula sold the country in exchange for sugar.

Posting on a yet to be confirmed X account, the handler who is believed to be Chatunga questioned why people are offended by the narrative when it is true.

His sentiments comes after two Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation presenters were fired for pushing the same narrative.

Meanwhile, netizens attacked Chatunga for supporting the narrative.

Below are some of the responses to Chatunga’s sentiments:

Dr Rush
How old are you young man?

Mlungisi Dube
It is not suprising that you believe such crap because it was started by your bigotry filled father.

Unoti ndeye chokwadi wanga uripo here? It is a wrong narrative pushed by your dictator father to discredit the Ndebeles after realising he was no match to the leadership qualities of Mdhala Wethu.

Is it true that the late former president Mugabe wasn’t your real father?

Mncedisi 🇿🇼
This is catfish account by the way , chatunga doesn’t have twitter.

Brandon Dube
You say that like Lobhengula was the president of Zimbabwe , when he was the King of the Ndebele people. Ko imi musina kutengesa Mashonaland ne sugar makadii.

Mufaro kwamuri
We will never get a true account of what actually transpired but that narrative was fed on us way back tichiri vana vadiki.

Hope Kabaya

What about narrative yekuti Bob was tortured in Jail zvekuti haazvare tikamhanya neiyoyo baba vako ndiani…
Haikona kudaro Gushaz, when y point a finger the other 3 are pointing at you woo!

Munhumutapa the 22nd
Waivapo here, achipiwa sugar
