Bhora Musango: Did Mnangagwa lose presidential elections?

By Gloria Sibanda | Going through the total votes cast for MPs and Presidential candidates in the recent Zimbabwe elections reveal a shocking pattern, Presidential votes where likely inflated and manipulated in different provinces and it appears people who voted for Zanu PF members of parliament might have voted for Nelson Chamisa instead of ED Mnangagwa.

A lot of people are already wondering how the number of presidential votes was significantly higher than that for MP votes. The main gap is in Manicaland, being 48343 more. The total gap for 7 provinces, so far, is 101719. The voter turnout was highest in Mashonaland Central, being 90.9%.

Right now unconfirmed research show that the presidential vote might have been inflated with as high as 800 000 votes, according to research done by a local vigilante groups. From the data collected so far it is clear that average voter turnout for parliamentary elections was about 75% while the presidential got 85%.

The Manicaland case illustrates why there is a likelihood of voter manipulation. Here Zanu-PF won 73.1% of the parliamentary seats(19) against MDC Alliance’s 7 BUT Nelson Chamisa won the presidential vote with 47.7% against Emmerson Mnangagwa’s 47.1

This means one thing.  Zanu -PF supporters voted for their MPs but did not vote for ED(Bhora Musango)..see images below.

Image 1..More People voted for Zanu PF MPs in Manicaland

Image 2 More people voted for Nelson Chamisa in the same Manicaland province

On Al Jazeera video below: Georgina Godwin says Nelson Chamisa was winning presidential election despite his party losing the parliamentary race.

Meanwhile, former Zanu-PF Tsholotsho MP and Zimbabwe Higher Education Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo has called out ZEC to come clean on presidential elections.

Said Moyo:

“If the manifestly fraudulent presidential election result released by ZEC shows that half of the country’s electorate said no to Mnangagwa, just imagine what the “no to Mnangagwa” margin is in the brazenly stolen authentic whose theft was enabled by Chiwenga’s murderous Army!”