Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) President Nelson Chamisa on Tuesday took a swipe at veteran journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, calling him weak for lambasting him and his party over the Easter holiday.

Chin’ono had described the CCC as dead as a dodo, asking why jailed member and CCC deputy chairperson Job Sikhala’s family is failing to make ends meet when the party should be taking care of them.

He accused the party of not doing enough.

Responding to a follower on Twitter who questioned whether the party was indeed as dead as a dodo, Chamisa said people should criticise themselves and give ideas instead.

“Weak people criticise others. Strong people criticize themselves and give ideas and solutions. Let’s all be strong people. Stronger together!” wrote Chamisa.

Said Chin’ono in response: “There is nothing wrong with him saying I am weak, that is his view. In a democracy we should allow people to hold views about issues or people with a public profile.

“If I feel that he is wrong, I should demonstrate that I am not weak. My work has already done that for me.”

Chin’ono, is a longtime ally of the opposition despite making it clear he holds no ambitions to venture into politics.

Apparently, Chamisa then went on to call for cease fire saying it is not time to fight each other.

“Fellow Citizens, Brothers & Sisters a lot has happened, this is not the time to trade barbs and fight each other. We give oppressors oxygen and a lifeline. Let’s fix our eyes on the prize. We must win change for everyone. Let there be peace & love! We’re #OnePeople Zimbabwe!” He said.

Meanwhile, Chamisa says Zimbabwe’s politics is complex and strategies should never be disclosed to enemies.

“ZIMBABWE POLITICS IS COMPLEX..In this space, it’s excessively unwise to lavishly democratize strategies or publicise tactics without diminishing or undermining their effectiveness. Our competitor is tricky. We must be trickier! Say less, weigh more! Blessed Wednesday!” he said
