In Harare East only two candidates were in contention Hon. Markham and Hon. Biti. The bogus candidate purporting to be also representing CCC in the same constituency is unknown


Facts of supposed CCC double candidates:

We noted with dismay the flimsy attempts by FAZ working to paint a picture of the people’s movement as having double candidates in multiple constituencies and wards.

For the record, we signed for only ONE candidate per ward and per constituency.

The multiple candidates who have been cited from various documents and announcements have not been signed for by the party. The individuals in question either forged signatures or they belong to a shadowy party formed in 2021 called Citizens Convention for Change and Citizens Collaboration for Change and Concerned Citizens Congress.

The following constituencies are illustrative:

1. In Harare East only two candidates were in contention Hon. Markham and Hon. Biti. The bogus candidate purporting to be also representing CCC in the same constituency is unknown to the movement and never participated in any of the candidates selection processes.

2. Hatcliffe constituency had two contestants, Argency Gumbo and Ben Manyenyeni with the former emerging as the sole candidate. The person dubiously inserted as representing CCC in the same constituency is clearly a FAZ plant.

3. Harare Central had a shortlist of three candidates and Lovemore Jimu emerged as the sole candidate. Thus, ….who is purported to be representing CCC is a fraudster. It is clear that there is a pattern of misinformation and fraud. Carefully designed to paint a picture of confusion in CCC by those fearing elections.

ZANU PF and it’s agents are desperate and creating shadowy individuals to dampen the citizens’ conviction for change.

All these desperate attempts will not derail the course of change and our legal teams across the country are working to fix this malfeasance manufactured by FAZ and distributed by ZEC.

We are heading to win BIG and protect BIG Let’s go!

GO Siziba