President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa says calls for reforms ahead of the much anticipated 2023 general elections have no substance.

Addressing the ruling party ZANU-PF’s Politburo this afternoon, Mnangagwa lambasted those who fake or stage managed abduction claims.

He said the country’s detractors are employing asymmetrical war fare strategies and must be exposed.

“As we approach election season, their usual script by the opposition and their handlers is now at play.

“This is characterised by fake abductions, acts of violence, claims of uneven election playing field and the so called reform with no substance.

“The Party and nation is now acquainted with their blatant lies and
hoodwinking shenanigans,” he said.

He added that the country’s engagement and re-engagement policy is yielding positive results as the country continues to host numerous investment delegations some of whom have already signed agreements.

He saluted Zimbabweans in diaspora:

“I am encouraged by Zimbabweans in the diaspora who are showing great sense of pride in their motherland and readiness to participate in national Development.

“This spirit of patriotism by the diaspora must be harnessed to leapfrog our development agenda.”
