The Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) says the country would be better off if another electoral management body is established which is not the current Zimabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

ZESN senior official Heather Koga says there is need for trust and faith in the Electoral Management Board (EMB) but where an EMB is not trusted, there is need for a separate election regulation board which is independent.

These sentiments comes at the time ZEC is accused of political bias towards ZANU-PF.

ZEC has children of senior ZANU-PF officials like Obert Mpofu, Paul Mangwana and Kembo Mohadi as commissioners.

On registration of political parties, Koga says:

“Zimbabwe does not have laws that regulate the registration of political parties.

“As ZESN we have drafted proposals on how we can introduce political party registration and regulation.”
