A sex-shy Bulawayo married man was recently hospitalised after his sex starved pregnant wife who said “when I request for my conjugal rights he always says he is tired” scalded him with hot water following a heated altercation.

B-Metro reports that Patience Zulu scalded her husband, Thabo Ncube, with boiling water on the face and private parts  while he was sleeping.

Ncube was then rushed to Mpilo Central Hospital leading to Zulu’s arrest.

Appearing before Western Commonage magistrate Stephen Ndlovu, she pleaded guilty to the physical abuse charge.

”Your Worship, since I fell pregnant my husband has not had s_ex with me. What angered me the most is that I always see used condoms in his pockets when washing clothes. When I request for my conjugal rights he always says he is tired,” she said.

”Last week on Tuesday I got angry after he came home late, as a result, we had an argument. I had to scald him with hot water while he was asleep. It was not my intention to injure him but I just wanted to inflict pain on him.”

”I beg for forgiveness, I was angry and I still love my husband,” she further told the court.

Zulu was acquitted.

In passing judgement, Magistrate Ndlovu warned and cautioned her not to commit a similar offence again.