HARARE: 30-year-old Zimbabwe broadcaster Zororo Makamba, the son Telecel business tycoon James Makamba.
Makamba was diagnosed after returning from New York. He had immune system weakening myasthenia gravis.
The Makamba family friend Mutumwa Mawere confirmed the incident on Monday.
Said Mawere,” I have just learned of this tragic loss of life due to the virus. A giant with so much potential has fallen. Corona is real. Let us pause and reflect. Life is too precious.”
MP Temba Mliswa said:
Devastating! If the news that I have just received is true then in as much as we have been working to fight #coronavirus we need to step up the pace and vigilance as a country. The virus kills and it’s real.
Social media user, Matigari posted:
It’s very sad to hear of the passing away of Zororo Makamba. He was a promising young man with a passion and fire in his belly. He has a bright future ahead of him. In front of the camera, he was a genius. May his dear soul Rest In Peace!
Makamba’s death has also been confirmed by state media, ZBC reported:
The Ministry of Health and Child Care @MoHCCZim has confirmed the passing on at Wilkins Hospital of one of the two confirmed cases Covid-19 in the country. “It’s a very sad day for us,” said Perm Sec Dr Agnes Mahomva. The Minister of Health and Child Care, Dr Obediah Moyo has confirmed the death of Zororo Makamba, who was the second person to test positive for Covid-19 in Zimbabwe. Zororo Makamba was son of businessperson, James Makamba
Zororo made his last twitter post on Thursday, 19th of March. he wrote, “there is a meme for everything”. Two days before he had posted, “Can we get a coronavirus.gov.zw website for updates please?”

James Makamba