Contrary to state media claims insinuating that the two assailants who allegedly shot two Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) officers in Chivhu central business district were arrested, reports reaching this publication indicate that the two daring criminals were gunned down near Gutu.

The Herald this afternoon reported that the criminal pair has been ‘arrested’ while police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi also said the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) was going to issue out a statement on the ‘arrests’.

“Just give me 30 minutes, we are going to issue a statement on that matter. Just be patient,” Assistant Commissioner Nyathi told Zwnews.

But over an hour after saying the ZRP would issue a statement on the matter, the police was yet to live up to its promise.

On the other hand, a ‘breaking news’ report on the state-run Herald portal read:

“Two assailants believed to have shot two Zimbabwe National Army officers in Chivhu on Saturday have been arrested about 20 kilometres from Chivhu Central Business District”.

However, Zwnews has heard that the duo was killed by state security forces following a manhunt.

See Pictures below:

more details to follow…