Outspoken opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party deputy chairperson Job Sikhala has been arrested. He is the lawyer representing the family of slain  activist, Moreblessing Ali, an opposition member who was reportedly abducted and killed in Harare early this month.

Sikhala was arrested this Tuesday evening.

Award winning Zimbabwe journalist, Hopewell Chin’ono said Sikhala’s lawyers were on their way to the police station.

Chin’ono wrote:

Zimbabwean senior opposition leader and Member of Parliament who has been arrested, Job Sikhala is being charged with INCITING public violence.

Sikhala is the official lawyer for the family of murdered CCC member Moreblessing Ali.

She was allegedly murdered by ZANUPF thugs!

Sikhala’s lawyers are on their way to the notorious police station.

Violence broke out at Moreblessing Ali’s memorial service held in the Nyatsime area this week after alleged ZANU PF supporters stormed the event ordering mourners to change the venue.

Homes belonging to ZANU PF and CCC members were burnt in the clashes.  CCC accuses ZANU PF leaders in the Nyatsime area of kidnapping and killing Ali.