Reports filtering through are that former ZANU-PF big; Deputy Minister of  Lands and Rural Resettlement in Mugabe government Tendai Savanhu has died.

While the details are still sketchy, a person closer to the Savanhus, and former cabinet minister Saviour Kasukuwere says:

“Hon Tendai Savanhu ( Seke Mutema). Rufu ndimadzongonyedze muzukuru.

“We are in deep pain on your untimely and sad departure Mhofu. RIP Mhofu Muzukuru.”

Savanhu, the former Mbare East Member of Parliament was fired from ZANU-PF for behaviour inconsistent with the party.

The top politician was expelled alongside, Cleveria Chizema for allegedly working with organisers of the July 31 anti-government demonstrations.
