Dethroned Zimbabwean Chief Nhlanhla Ndiweni says President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has scored an own goal by barring former cabinet minister Saviour Kasukuwere from the presidential race.

He says ZANU PF members sympathetic to Kasukuwere will cast protest votes against President Mnangagwa.

“The barring of Kasukuwere from Presidential Elections makes protest vote, bhora musango, within Zanu PF 100 % now likely to happen,” he says.


“This has now rocked ZANU PF like a cancerous growth from the inside. This has been bubling away for sometime only to come to the surface now.

“The Kasukuwere matter within Zanu PF brought in and entailed, unresolved G40 issue, the generational gap issue, the tribal issue, the ideological issue….. There is no why Kasukuwere being barred will resolve this matter within Zanu PF. And the elections are already Here!”

Kasukuwere was blocked from participating in the forthcoming elections by the High Court on account of not having been in the country for the past 18 months.

He however, appealed to the Supreme Court.
