Dalny Mine 2 Primary School in Sanyati District, Mashonaland West Province is on the verge of collapsing as artisanal miners dig tunnels below the school infrastructure.

As noted by the Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) the school risk suffering the fate of Globe and Phoenix Primary schools which collapsed during to illegal mining activities under classroom blocks.

“Just like we did before Globe & Phoenix Primary collapsed, we are calling upon law enforcement agents to intervene and #SaveDalnyPrimary from collapse.

“Illegal artisanal mining is leaving a trail of ecological and infrastructure destruction in the said community. We are worried that when schools open for January 2025, Dalny Primary will be no more.

“Dalny 2 Primary has an enrollment of over 600 learners attended to by 22 Patriotic Teachers. If Dalny Primary school collapses when schools are open these lives can potentially be lost.

“The closest school to Dalny Primary is Dalny 1 Primary which already accommodates 1 500 learners. There is no room for the 600 learners from Dalny 2. If Dalny Mine 2 Primary school is allowed to collapse 600 learners will be out of school,” noted ARTUZ.

Zimbabwe already has a shortage of over 3000 schools, and ARTUZ says the country cannot afford to lose a great school like Dalny Primary.

“In 2023 Dalny 2 had a Grade 7 pass rate of 26.8% which marginally improved to 26.9% in 2024. With all the challenges confronting education in Zimbabwe the School is doing their best.

“The pictures below, scary as they are still give us hope that if something is urgently done the beautiful infrastructure of Dalny 2 can still be saved.

“The right to education for 600 learners can be secured, right to a safe working environment for teachers can be guaranteed and safety for the whole school ecosystem can still be promoted,” added ARTUZ.
