A group of 4 men last Thursday robbed Police officers at a roadblock near Muchakata of the uniforms they were wearing and these included a grey Police shirt, a riot trousers, a pair of Presidential shoes and a Police cap.

The robbers who struck at 330pm also took away 2 cellphones belonging to the cops. They were armed with 3 pistols.

The latest is that they killed a driver of a Fun Cargo at Renco Turnoff last night. They started at Pick and Pay in Masvingo at 1530hrs yesterday, hired a Honda Fit, robbed the driver of his car and dumped him at Bhani Business Center along Great Zimbabwe Ruins Road Drove towards Morgenster, at Muchakata roadblock they order cops to lie down. Stripped an Assistant Inspector of his badge, and took it away. Stripped officers naked and dressed in their uniforms. Injured Sergeant Gumbo who resisted their orders and sped off. Robbed people along the way. Got to Renco, shot and allegedly killed the driver of a Fun Cargo before driving away in the direction of Chiredzi.