Fungayi Moyana

The town of Chiredzi welcomed two brave man with ‘hero worshiping’ status after they overpowered two armed robbers and one of the robbers got the ‘taste of his own medicine’ as he was bashed and had his skull open in the deadly fight.

Samson Paradzai(24) is battling for life and is in a critical condition,  unable to talk after being thrown out of a moving vehicle and is under police guard in hospital.

According to sources, Samson Paradzai and Decent Chibememe(25) from Chibememe village under Chief Gudo in Chiredzi got a lift along the Chiredzi Ngundu road from Rwatipedza Zireva who was the driver and Joseph Chigudu at about 8pm.

The two robbers Paradzai and Chibememe were picked up at Lyonaise bus stop and after travelling  for about two kilometres ‘all hell broke loose’ when Paradzai took out a 10 milimetre pistol and pointed  it straight to the back of Zireva who was driving.

Paradzai ordered the driver to stop the car and demanded cash at gunpoint.

As the drama continued Chigudu who was on the front passenger seat dived to the backseat where the two robbers were sitting,  managed to grab the pistol before a vicious fight occurred.

Zireva managed to start the car took off at great speed as Chigudu overpowered the two robbers and got hold of the pistol.

Chigudu then kicked Paradzai who fell out of the moving vehicle cracking his skull after hitting the hard tarmac road.

Paradzai and Chibememe were handed over to police and remanded in custody by Magistrate Mhlanaga to appear in court on April 27.

Meanwhile, Paradzai failed to attend his remand hearing on attempted robbery charges at Chiredzi Magistrate court due to his critical condition.