The family of slain Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activist, Moreblessing Ali, has issued a statement condemning the arrest of their lawyer, CCC deputy chairman and Member of Parliament for Zengeza West Job Sikhala on Tuesday. The family also condemned the arrest of Chitungwiza North legislator Godfrey Karakadzayi Sithole who was last night taken into custody by police.

The two politicians are still in custody and assisting with ongoing investigations.

The arrests comes in the wake of violent clashes that erupted in the area after mourners attending Ali funeral were attacked by political hooligans.

Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) national spokesperson, Fadzayi Mahere has said party members in Nyatsime were attacked by supporters of the ruling ZANU PF .

The reports come after alleged reports that some CCC supporters had burnt homes of some ZANU PF activists in retaliation for being denied access to the funeral of slain CCC activist Moreblessing Ali.

CCC denies the allegations and says the alleged CCC activists were actually “ZANU PF thugs” sent to torch their colleagues’ homes to give an excuse for violence against CCC supporters.


All family statement, Condemning arrest of Hon Job Sikhala 15 June 2022

We condemn the arrest of our representative and Spokesperson, Hon Job Sikhala and one of the local leaders who was instrumental in the CCC search mission, Hon Godfrey Sithole(CCC MP).

To be clear, it was our position as a family that we would not bury Moreblessing until her murderers are arrested. Hon Sikhala was the appointed watching brief over any potential investigation, arrest, and prosecution.

It is a matter of regret that Hon Sikhala has been arrested in the course and scope of his legal duties. This is an extension of the political persecution of Moreblessing.

They murdered her violently. Even in death, they won’t let her find peace.

We will not be silenced. We continue to demand justice.

Ali Family Statement