Kidnapped Johanne Masowe leader accused of plotting to topple President Mnangagwa from power

Three men claiming to be working as EYES OF THE PRESDIENT-Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) officers have appeared in court on allegations of kidnapping and assaulting Johanne Masowe Yechishanu Yenyenyedzi Nomwe leader Hebert Thabo Senda after accusing him of trying to topple President Mnangagwa.

Mark Jack (36), Munyaradzi Mupazviripo (49) and Reward Baradze (26) were facing kidnapping and impersonation charges when they appeared before Harare magistrate Mr Dennis Mangosi.

They were remanded in custody and advised to apply for bail at the High Court.

The court heard that on October 13, 2022, at around 4 pm, the three accused persons acting in common purpose with fourteen other accomplices who are all still at large, went to Johanne Masowe Yechishanu Yenyenyedzi Nomwe church situated at House number 22537 Budiriro 4, Harare. All accused persons identified themselves to complainant Herbert Thabo Senda as members of the CIO.

The accused claimed that the complainant was plotting to topple President Mnangagwa from power amongst other allegations.

It is alleged that the accused persons told Senda that they wanted him to clear his name at their offices at St Barbara House, on the same date the complainant responded that he would report at their office the following day.

To coerce the complainant, Jack produced a firearm.

It is the State’s case that the accused persons ordered Senda into his vehicle a Nissan X-trail on registration number AEQ 2066 and to drive towards the city centre under their escort.

Upon reaching the Highglen roundabout, the accused ordered the complainant to stop his vehicle and forced him into one of their vehicles a Toyota Raider twin Cab. They blindfolded the complainant and drove him to an unknown destination whilst still intimidating him.

The court heard that the accused persons later took the complainant to St Barbara House situated at the corner of Nelson Mandela Avenue and Leopold Takawira Street.

The accused persons tortured the complainant using an electric shocker and assaulted him using booted feet, open hands and fists all over his body. During the process of torture, the accused persons stole US$330 from the complainant. As a result of the torture, Senda lost a tooth.

On the same date at around 10pm, the accused persons handed over the complainant to the police at ZRP Harare Central Police Station on allegations of Disorderly conduct and impersonation.

It is alleged that as a result of the accused persons’ actions, they deprived Herbert Thabo Senda of his freedom of bodily movement, intending to cause such deprivation or realising that there is a real risk or possibility that such deprivation may occur.

On the count of impersonation, the court heard that on December 5 December 2022 and at around 1030am, Jack visited the Offices of the Permanent Secretary for the Harare Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Mr Tafadzwa Muguti situated at number 109 Rotten Row Investment House, Harare.

Upon arrival, Jack was referred to and attended by Herbert Chipfunde. It is alleged that Chipfunde requested Jack to introduce and identify himself.

The court heard that Jack said he was from ZANU PF National Headquarters specifically operating under the President’s Department and was also a member of the CIO but he failed to produce an identity card as proof of employment to that effect.

However, Jack produced an identity card inscribed “Eyes of The President”.

It is the State’s case that Jack then phoned Mupazviripo who then spoke to Chipfunde so that he could confirm that indeed Jack was a member of the CIO.

During the conversation with Chipfunde, Mupazviripo impersonated that Jack and himself were both indeed from the President’s Department, and were members of the CIO.

state media