Renowned Zimbabwean investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono has saluted Chimurenga musician Thomas Mapfumo for turning down controversial businessperson Wicknell Chivayo’s gift car.

Chin’ono says Mapfumo has shown that he is principled:

“Thomas Mapfumo has shown that there are still principled people out there after he rejected gifts worth US$500k from the crooked one.

“Thomas Mapfumo even rejected a house in a world where some people now live in mental squalor with immoral and corrupt minds.

“Many don’t care that they are taking cars bought by money meant for hospitals, schools, roads, clean drinking water etc.

“They have selfish and corrupt minds and only think about their greedy selves and nobody else!!

“Their minds are bankrupt and see nothing wrong with praising convicted crooks and criminals stealing from them as Mbinga.

“In such a world, it is worth noting the ethical actions of the few like Mapfumo and Shadaya who still have a moral compass and are resolutely principled.

“The importance of integrity, principles, and standing against corruption can never be over emphasised, it is the heart and soul of a fair society, one which doesn’t steal from the poor and throws crumps st them in exchange for immoral applause.

“An ethical stance in rejecting gifts that were bought through corrupt means is a powerful statement about the courage to act on one’s principles.

“Unshakable and uncompromised, Mukanya to the world,” says Chin’ono.

Apparently, speaking exclusively to Nehanda Radio on Monday, Mapfumo said “I’m not that type to be bribed like that.”

Mapfumo said he was surprised to receive a phone call from Chivayo before he went to bed on Sunday evening.

“Yes I know he likes my music. He called me before I went to bed and told me he was in New York on a visit. I asked him how his family was and that was that.”

It would appear Chivayo took a screenshot of his phone call to Mapfumo and that is being used by many bloggers to claim Mapfumo called Chivayo when that was not the case.

In a social media post Chivayo encouraged Mapfumo to publicly renounce past criticism of Zanu-PF, as he dangled the prospect of a luxury vehicle and house should he do so.

Wicknell’s offer came after Mapfumo last week ridiculed musicians that were begging for vehicles from the free-spending businessman.

“Ma musicians aya varombo. Vapfanha ava musavaseka kuti varikutambira motikari because haasati amboona motikari yakadaro.

“Ndakanzwa Jah Prayzah achitenda kuti, ‘Ndatenda zvikuru nechipo chenyu.’ Haasati amboiona motikari yakadaro,” Mukanya said in an interview with Nehanda TV.
