An apparently heartless Harare woman has become a target of castigation in her community after being accused of having knowingly and intentionally infected her friend’s 10 month-old son with HIV.

This was after the accused woman who is HIV positive, and cannot be revealed on legal grounds, allegedly breast-fed her friend’s baby in the pursuit of calming him after he started crying.

Appearing before Harare magistrate Sharon Rakafa the 23-year old woman who was not asked to plead guilty, was charged with deliberately transmiting the HIV pandemic on the innocent soul.

Reports indicate that the child had initially been left in the custody of the woman, who is on $500 bail awaiting trial on October 19.

She is facing charges of ill-treatment of a minor under the Children’s Act.

The court heard that sometime in August this year, the baby’s mother took the juvenile to her friend’s place for custody whilst she was away.

It is further alleged that the child started crying while playing with other children and, as if out of sheer empathy, the woman reportedly took the baby who she started breastfeeding in full view of the other children.

The 23-year old’s actions came to light after one of the boys who witnessed her breastfeeding the 10-month old reported her to the baby’s mother who subsequently filed a report with the police, leading to her arrest.

Locardia Rasonza prosecuted.

state media
additional reporting: Zwnews