Works at the Dinson Iron and Steel Company (DISCO) which is a subsidiary of Tsingshan Holding Group of China, one of the world’s largest stainless steel producers is progressing well.

DISCO is an integrated steel plant located in Manhize near Mvuma which is set to bring the old Zimbabwe Iron and Steel Company glory days back, according to analysts.

The plant is equipped with a carbon steel plant and an iron ore mine with a capacity of producing tonnes of iron and steel products per year.

Apparently, below is how works are progressing and stages of completion:

Raw Materials Complex & Sintering Plant: 100% complete; Blast Furnace: 90% complete; Steel Mill: 60% complete; Coke Oven Battery at Dinson Colliery is 90% complete and Average completion is at 95%.

Those in close proximity are thrilled with the milestones reached and look forward to the completion of this state-of-the-art facility.

According to the Zimbabwe Statistics Agency, Zimbabwe imported 64 322 tonnes of steel and iron worth US$61,2 million in the first quarter of the year.

About 20 954 tonnes of iron and steel worth US$18,5 million were imported in January, 21 483 tonnes totalling US$22,5 million in February and 21 885 tonnes worth US$20,2 million in March 2024.

According to experts, Manhize steel plant will reduce the import bill, which accounts for about 3,5% of the US$1,7 billion spent on imports in the 2024 first quarter.
