Exiled former Minister of Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services Jonathan Moyo says authoritative news about ZANU PF or government comes from the state media.


“Students of state politics in Zimbabwe know only too well – from as far back as one cares to go – that there can be no authoritative [emphasise authoritative] government or ZANU-PF policy pronouncement outside the state or public media.


“If the pronouncement is not reported or carried by Zimpapers or ZBC, it is not authoritative, and it does not have the blessing or support of the system or the deep state.


“In fact, having an important or a major ‘policy’ still under consideration pronounced outside the public or state media can spell the death of that policy, with dire consequences visiting whoever made or facilitated that pronouncement,” he says.


Moyo’s sentiments comes at the time there is different positions as to wether President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is going to step down at the end of his second term or not.


Calls within the ruling party is that Mnangagwa should go beyond the constitutional limit of two terms.


Apparently, some reports are that there is a factional war within the ruling party, as bigwigs jostle to position themselves for the top job.

