Zimbabwean woman caught with ex-boyfriend’s head in suitcase

Tatenda Mhlanga (33) and co-accused Johannes Lebese (53) appeared in the Benoni Magistrates Court on Monday, facing charges of murder and violating a corpse.

The two were stopped by crime prevention wardens carrying a suitcase on November 11, 2023.

Upon inspection, human remains belonging to Mhlanga’s ex-boyfriend, Obert Mazadza (42), were discovered.

The wardens called the police, and additional body parts were found at a nearby dumping site. In court, Mhlanga abandoned her bail application, and the case was postponed to November 24, 2023, for Lebese’s formal bail application.

The community of Wattville expressed plans to petition for Lebese’s release, claiming Mhlanga deceived him about the suitcase’s contents.

Witnesses reported her washing blankets to destroy evidence, and she was caught by wardens while attempting to dispose of body parts.

Tatenda Mhlanga Accused of Murder and Dismemberment Abandons SA Bail Application

(33) from Zimbabwe, along with her co-accused Johannes Lebese (53) from Wattville, appeared in the Benoni Magistrates Court on Monday, November 20, facing charges of murder and violating a corpse.

According to Lumka Mahanjana of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), the alleged incident occurred on November 11, 2023, when the two were stopped by crime prevention wardens carrying a suitcase. Upon inspection, the wardens found a human head and upper body belonging to Mhlanga’s ex-boyfriend, Obert Mazadza (42), who is also a Zimbabwean national.

Upon the discovery of the body parts, the wardens alerted the police, and the Community Policing Forum (CPF) reported finding additional body parts at a nearby dumping site. Lebese was arrested on the scene, while Mhlanga, who had initially fled during the wardens’ search, turned herself in to the police on Sunday, November 12.

In court, Mhlanga decided to abandon her bail application, and the case has been postponed to November 24, 2023, for Lebese’s formal bail application.

Members of the Wattville community expressed their intention to petition for Lebese’s release, contending that he was deceived by Mhlanga, who allegedly claimed the suitcase contained a cow’s head. Witnesses reported Mhlanga washing blankets at 3 a.m. on November 10 to destroy evidence. She was caught by crime wardens on November 11 while attempting to dispose of the second load of body parts.

According to residents, Mhlanga requested an Uber on the morning of November 10, leaving her near a railway line, where she burned the first load of body parts. On November 11, she was caught by wardens while transporting the second load, allegedly asking Lebese, who was on his way to work, to help her with the suitcase after the second Uber driver refused due to the foul smell.