Zimbabwean academic, author and diplomat Professor George Kahari, has died.

Those who knew him well have described him as a principled former ambassador.

He once served a central committee member and deputy publicity secretary in the wartime Zapu during the liberation struggle.

After independence Kahari served as a Zanu PF consultative committee member.

Meanwhile, former cabinet minister Jonathan Moyo says:

“It is saddening that Professor George Kahari, who turned 91 only three days ago, is no more.

“He was an unwavering Zapu nationalist, a great man of letters, a suave diplomat and a consummate gentleman.

“May his memory be a blessing to his family & all who knew him.”

Moyo added that:

“BACK IN THE DAY, over the first decade or so of uhuru, George KAHARI (UZ); Ariston CHAMBATI (TA Holdings); Herbert MUNANGATIRE (Lonrho) & Willie MUSARURWA (Sunday Mail) were the inimitable Zapu-quartet: big friends who spoke big English, were big influencers & big fashionista.”
