When President Emmerson Mnangagwa was propelled to the presidency by a military coup that ousted the late long-ruling Zimbabwe strongman Robert Mugabe in November 2017, he went on to ‘deform’ Zanu PF into a retrogressive political institution, a former cabinet minister has said.
According to fugitive former Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development Minister Jonathan Moyo, Zanu PF must be removed from Government as those leading the ruling party ‘cannot reform what (they) did not form.’
Moyo said it was difficult for Mnangagwa’s breed of Zanu PF members to reform the party as they are not the ones who ‘formed’ it.
He said those who formed the party ‘are all gone’.
“Given that you cannot reform what you did not form, it’s notable that the people who formed Zanu PF are all gone,” he wrote.
“They passed on without reforming the party they formed. In Nov 2017, Mnangagwa deformed ZanuPF. Zimbabwe is run by a deformed & now retrogressive party!” Moyo tweeted, signing off with #ZanupfMustGo.
Once regarded as the spin-doctor of Zanu PF politics, Moyo fled the country after the dramatic November 2017 coup, euphemistically branded Operation Restore Legacy, which ousted Mugabe and replaced him with Mnangagwa.
