The Dumiso Dabengwa Foundation has paid tribute to the members of the ZIPRA forces who were reportedly killed by ZANLA forces at Mgagao camp in Tanzania.

“On June 6, 1976, about 50 ZPRA members were massacred by ZANLA colleagues, Tanzanian and Chinese soldiers in Tanzania, in what became known as the Mgagao Massacres.

“We remember selfless men and women who lost their lives during this massacre,” says the Dumiso Dabengwa Foundation.

Meanwhile, according to the New Examiner, one of the Zipra survivors of the Mgagao attacks, Retired Colonel
Khutshwekhaya Nketha alleged that in 1974 they were attacked by fellow fighters in the Zanla, Chinese and Tanzanian nationals.

“Sometime in 1974, there was an effort by the Joint Military Command
(JMC) of the liberation movements to unite the two armies (Zipra and
Zanla),” he said.

“There were efforts to form ZIPAS and this was led by Rex Nhongo who was deputised by Nikita Mangena.

“We were told that Tanzania and the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) had agreed that Zimbabweans should train from one place, that is in Mozambique.

“We went to Mgagao training camp where we were combined with our Zanla colleagues. Sam Madondo was in charge of the whole group.

“We went there unarmed. A training programme was drafted. But there was always tension between the two groups (Zipra and Zanla).”

Nketha said the tension could have been caused by some sloganeering at the camp.

“At that time, Zanu had no leader as they had just chased Ndabaningi
Sithole,” he said.

“Zanla soldiers were denouncing Sithole, Abel Muzorewa and Joshua Nkomo,” he told New Examiner.
