In a bid to regulate unlicensed communication services, Zimbabwe’s telecommunications regulatory body, POTRAZ, has initiated raids on businesses involved in marketing and distributing Starlink Internet Services devices. The crackdown comes in response to a surge in local businesses advertising Starlink, particularly on social media platforms like Facebook, which appears to violate existing laws.

POTRAZ has issued a stern warning against the sale or use of Starlink Internet Services within the country. An official from POTRAZ confirmed the impending crackdown, stating, “It’s not allowed to sell or use Starlink in Zimbabwe, and police will be mounting raids and arrests soon.” Emphasizing the risks involved, the official urged those advertising these gadgets to cease such activities immediately.

The regulatory body, in collaboration with the police in Harare, is poised to conduct raids on businesses engaged in the unauthorized distribution and use of Starlink devices. Adherence to proper processes and obtaining the necessary licenses is highlighted as crucial, with the official stating, “The use of unlicensed telecommunication is not allowed. Starlink is still in the process of applying for a license; they are not yet licensed.”

The crackdown has already led to the arrest of two individuals—one in Vic Falls and another in Bulawayo—whose cases are currently before the courts. These arrests underscore the seriousness of the situation, sending a clear message that authorities are prepared to take decisive action against those found violating telecommunication regulations.

As Zimbabwe intensifies efforts to enforce regulatory compliance in the telecommunications sector, individuals and businesses are strongly urged to adhere to legal processes to avoid facing severe legal consequences. The country anticipates further raids as part of its commitment to maintaining order in the telecommunications landscape.