Zimbabwe is ‘burning’ the country is on implosion course and President Emmerson Mnangagwa (ED) has reportedly put the security sector on high alert.

Following the recent congress by the country’s main opposition party Movement for Democratic Change-Alliance, whose leader Nelson Chamisa has promised to take the regime head-on through peaceful demonstrations, the government has put the security apparatus on high alert.

Speaking during the congress, Chamisa promised to force Mnangagwa to the negotiation table, through nationwide and peaceful protests. Mnangagwa who is reportedly facing internal factions, is allegedly having sleep-ness nights as pressure for him to solve the country’s unyielding economy mount both from within and outside his party.

Mnangagwa’s fear for an implosion recently saw him arresting human rights defenders on allegations of wanting to overthrow his government. A move that has been roundly condemned by both local and international human rights organisations.

However, political commentators say the greatest challenge to Mnangagwa’s regime is neither civic groups, nor Chamisa’s envisaged peaceful demonstrations, but the economic downturn.

Doctor Pedzisai Ruhanya, says Zimbabwe’s failing economy and how Mnangagwa’s administration is running the country are the major threats to the current regime.

“The greatest disorder in Zimbabwe, the threat to peace and stability in Zimbabwe is not threats of civil disobedience but how the country is governed, looted, abused and the economic and political morass,” he says.

He adds that when the colonial administration denied Zimbabweans the fundamental liberties such as the exercise of civil and political rights, the masses stood up and fought, and as such ZANU PF should know that if it  behaves like the colonial regime, people would stand up and protest.

Analysts therefore believe it is the system of governance being used, which is the major problem, and that if Mnangagwa is to fall, the major contributing factor is the system itself.

Another analyst, Alex Magaisa believes what goes around comes around he says while his sympathisers present him as a victim of ambitious subordinates, the opponents within present him as the only problem.

He believes just like former president Robert Mugabe’s removal did not solve anything because of the fact the whole system remained. “The mess won’t be sorted just because one man is substituted.

“Some got into government with great credentials but they have completely lost it,” he recently twitted.

Magaisa adds that it is the system which includes its practices and mentalities of greed, authoritarianism and self-entitlement that is much to blame regarding the current state of affairs.

“In terms of this narrative, only ED is the failure. Sure, as leader, the buck stops with him.

“But like Mugabe before him, ED is the head of a system. When Mugabe was isolated and ousted, that system remained.

“No wonder things only got worse. This time people should be wary,” he says.

Another renowned political commentator Elder Mabhunu believes in the same school of thought; speaking in a telephone interview with zwnews.com publication he agrees that the implosion that would displace Mnangagwa is brewing from within.

He adds that Mnangagwa by placing the country’s security on high alert reportedly against opposition parties, would be missing the plot.

“Mnangagwa has two options to either redeem himself or fall, he either let the country’s economy continue on the downward spiral and face a revolt from within, or sort the economy, thereby buying more time for himself at the State House,” he says.

Since coming to the helm in 2018 after a military coup, Mnangagwa has been struggling to turn the economic fortunes of the country. He is reportedly facing internal pressure from both within and outside his party. Though his sympathisers deny the existence of the pressure, some analysts believe where there is smoke, there is a fire.

Could this be a case of unfounded claims? Only time will tell!

Peter Nyoni writes from South Africa