UNITED KINGDOM: Zimbabwe families of National Health Service(NHS) and social care staff who died from coronavirus in the course of “essential frontline work” will receive a £60,000 payment, the British Government has said.

The Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced the new life assurance scheme for the families of frontline staff at Monday’s Downing Street press briefing.

He said 82 NHS workers and 16 social care staff have died so far. About 29 Zimbabweans have died in the UK, nearly half of them NHS frontline workers.

“I feel a deep personal sense of duty that we must care for their loved ones,” Mr Hancock said.

“Today, I am able to announce that the Government is setting up a life assurance scheme for NHS and social care frontline colleagues.

“Families of staff who die from coronavirus in the course of their essential frontline work will receive a £60,000 payment.

“Of course, nothing replaces the loss of a loved one but we want to do everything we can to support families who are dealing with this grief.”

It comes with the UK set to fall silent at 11am on Tuesday in tribute to key workers who have died during the pandemic.