Zimbabwe is today joining the rest of the world in celebrating the World Refugee Day with commitment by the government to improve the welfare of refugees in the country.

Marking the day, Tongagara Refugee Camp is set to establish an ICT centre of excellence which will serve as an innovation hub for refugees.

Tongogara Refugee Camp is home to about 14 thousand refugees and asylum seekers.

World Refugee Day 2021 focuses on the power of inclusion, under the theme Together we heal, learn and shine.

United Nations says the shared experience of COVID-19 has showed the world that people can only succeed if they stand together.

“We have all had to do our part to keep each other safe and despite the challenges, refugees and displaced people have stepped up,” notes the UN.

The UN maintains that given the chance, refugees will continue to contribute to a stronger, safer and more vibrant world.

Meanwhile, the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency’s World Refugee Day campaign this year is calling for the greater inclusion of refugees in health systems, schools and sport.

With emphasis that only by working together can the world recover from the pandemic.
