Police in Bulawayo yesterday arrested about 120 teenagers who had gathered at various points in the city centre allegedly to go to Vuzu Parties or cause general nuisance.

Vuzu parties are wild affairs where school children take alcohol, experiment with substances and have unprotected group s-x.

A police source told Bulawayo24 that most of the arrests were made at the Bulawayo Centre.

“The kids often gather at the Bulawayo Centre, City Hall or Haddon and Sly complex where they are taken to party venues mostly in the Eastern suburbs. Drunk school children are often s-xually abused by kombi crews while some girls are given drugs then groups of boys have s-x with them. Most of the children that were rounded up were gathered at the Bulawayo Centre,” said the source.

Sources at Bulawayo Central Police Station said large quantities of alcohol and drugs that include mbanje and  pills were recovered from the teens.

By last night most of the children had been released into the custody of their parents or guardians. Bulawayo residents blamed the spiralling decadence of youths on lack of parental guidance.