The Zimbabwe Nurses Association (ZINA) has rejected a government proposal to introduce “patriorism” training for health professionals.

This comes after Cabinet approved the introduction of National Health Service induction.

However, the association says nurses need better pay, not indoctrination.

Apparently, the government is toying with an idea to introduce Patriotism legislation which will bar citizens from interacting with foreign governments.

It will also bar the dissemination and publishing information that would paint country in bad light. And critics say this would silence citizens from speaking against bad governance.

Over the years, the government has been at loggerheads with human rights activists and journalists who exposed bad governance.

Such people have been labelled enemies of the state.

Meanwhile, Zimbabwe health workers have been complaining of poor working conditions and calling for better pay.

In some instances doctors have gone on strike demanding better pay, however they have been met with threats from government.
