A local legal think-tank Veritas has warned that the Zimbabwe military would have a strong influence over the way people voted in elections on Monday, July 30.

On Sunday report, prior to the elections, Veritas said most people were still sceptical of the military’s position regarding a victory by other candidates other than Zanu-PF’s Emmerson Mnangagwa.

“Human rights monitors have reported considerable military presence in rural communities, and the military, which has for long been linked to the current president, also has a presence in farming areas as they are heavily involved in command agriculture (crops and livestock) introduced by the current president,” Veritas said.

According to a survey by Afrobarometer this month, 44 percent of Zimbabweans thought the armed forces would not respect the election result.

Moreover, fifteen percent of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) are from the military, Veritas pointed out.

The military however said it does not take sides in elections.