A 51-year-old driving instructor from Gweru committed suicide by hanging from a tree in a bushy area at Hunde Fisher Farm near Mkoba 18 suburb, after surviving three other attempts.

A passer-by stumbled on the decomposing body of Matimana John Muponde on Tuesday morning and alerted the police.

 Muponde appeared to have a long-standing problem which was nagging him but did not share it with his relatives.

It was reported that it was the fourth attempt on his life at the same location. Twice he was picked up while unconscious at the same spot.

 On another occasion a rope he had used to hang himself gave in.

His brother, Mr Panganayi Muponde, said his sibling went missing on Monday last week.

 Mr Muponde said they reported the matter to the police.

“His driving instructor’s papers had expired and he left home saying he was going to renew them and never came back until he was found hanging in a bushy area at Hunde Fisher farm on the outskirts of Mkoba 18. Funeral arrangements are underway,” he said.

Yesterday a docket of sudden death was taken to court and post-mortem was waivered as no foul play was suspected. state media